0412 380 142 info@steammagic.com.au
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All our work is fully insured and guaranteed.

Q. How long does it take for my carpets to dry?

Depending on the carpet and weather conditions, 4 to 5 hours plus or minus but it is dry enough to walk on straight away.

Q. Do you need the power on to run your machine?

Our truck mounted system generates its own power, which suits most buildings up to three stories high. We only need access to a power point in buildings where entry is via a lift or automatic doors, such as in multi story buildings or shopping centres.

Q. Can you get the stains out of my carpets and/or upholstery?

We are able to remove most stains except where they have become colour fast or the original colour has been chemically altered, such as in the case of bleaching or scorching. We will inspect your carpet and upholstery and provide an honest appraisal before commencing work.

Q. My dog has made a mess on the carpet. Can you get rid of the smell?

Our steam cleaning system is effective at removing most minor pet urine and odour problems from carpet fibres. In situations where the urine has soaked through to the underlay or the floor below, it may be necessary to lift the carpet and treat the layers with a neutralising solution. In some cases it may even be necessary to replace the underlay but in the worst case scenario complete removal of the odour may not be possible.

Is steam cleaning good for my carpet?

Regular steam cleaning helps prolong the life of your carpets because residual soil acts as an abrasive which increases wear over time.

Get in Touch Today!

Call Russell on 0412 380 142
Email: info@steammagic.com.au

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